Every step on the inner path, however seemingly small, Ann K Gryczan God There. I said it. The ego/mind might get mad now or run away screaming – but stay a moment, if you can. Even though God – the word and understanding – has been maligned, besmirched and commandeered for bad purposes since forever, that is not the problem with God or what makes the word so scary. In fact, all the maligning, besmirching and commandeering is only a symptom of the real problem with God. Bottom Line For the ego/mind, God is an existential problem. The ego is mad about God, hates God, is scared of, doesn’t approve of, and wants to get rid of God because if God Is, the ego isn’t. If God Is, the Ego Isn’t That is the whole problem with God, the only problem and has only ever been the problem. The Players But let’s back up and define the players: the ego/mind and God. In this context, God, the word, seeks to describe the indescribable: the Absolute, that is omnipotent, ever-present and eternal; the infinite unity out of which arises all existence, consciousness and life, including our own. The ego – or ego/mind (same thing) – is a thinking, feeling, perceiving survival mechanism based in organic life, growing increasingly sophisticated and complex all the time, that calls its perceptions “reality” and its feelings and memories “myself.” Ego Vs. God As the source of “reality” and “myself,” the ego also “knows” that it is God. If you really dig down into the ego’s deepest thoughts, you will find this is true! And that is why the ego has a problem with God – because there can be only one. God isn’t actually a player in all this, but the ego/mind doesn’t know that. It is right about one thing however: God is an existential threat to the ego. We find this out every time we let go of needing validation or being right: the ego/mind loses a battle in its perennial war with God and we remember ourselves a little more. Illusion Vs. Reality As students of consciousness we can do this on purpose, over and over again. We can say to the ego, Yes, there is something bigger than you. And we can willingly give up another of our carefully hoarded defenses and return to the one calling us – the infinite Self – and realize, at least a little more, we are that. We just forgot, is all.
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We may at first have thought consciousness was in the mind, or even thought it was the mind itself. That it was somehow part of our domain; our personal interface with life or our go-to source of thinking and reason.
Exploring the mind however, we discover it is not consciousness that is personal, but the mind. We discover the mind is limited and finite and that we can go beyond it — to consciousness itself. Even as a new explorer, we are aware of something here vast and whole, an infinite peace, potent and complete. And we know — as if remembering — that this is also the intrinsic, intimate truth of ourselves.
This is a blog for those who travel an inner path, seeking truth, beauty and the source of being.
Here are ideas and practices to help and encourage the traveler, and to address the obstacles that we, as students of consciousness, inevitably encounter. Everything you find here you can do at anytime and take as far as you want.
This is a blog for those who travel an inner path, seeking truth, beauty and the source of being.
Here are ideas and practices to help and encourage the traveler, and to address the obstacles that we, as students of consciousness, inevitably encounter. Everything you find here you can do at anytime and take as far as you want.
I invite you to use Paradigm Practice as a foundation for your practice, which you may find here, free and available for your use. Paradigm Practice is a powerful guide for bridging the gap between limitation and new awareness. Awakening into the happiness and peace of your true nature benefits all the world. May you be blessed on your journey!
Ann |
Consciousness is the ultimate teacher: it is always showing us what we are.
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